Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Announcing the winners of recent survey's..

A big thanks to everyone who completed the most recent SUSTE-TECH related surveys; the Procurement Managers survey and the Green ICT survey.

The winner of the £100 on line gift certificate for participating in the Procurement Managers survey is Noel Cassidy, Procurement Manager  from Cambridge Regional College and the voucher will be used to promote sustainability at the College.

The winner of the £50 on line gift certificate for completing the Green ICT survey is Victoria Hands, Head of Sustainability at LSE.

Both winners were picked randomly and have been informed of their good luck so congratulations to both. Keep an eye out for more SUSTE-TECH related surveys to participate in, you may be the lucky winner next time.


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Follow up from April 2011's Blog

 Last April I wrote a blog on the results of Green ICT Policy Survey (see April 26th, 2011's blog).   The PhD student conducting the research, Ian St John, is now conducting a follow-up of the survey.  Ian is interested to see how perceptions have changed (if they have at all) since the survey was first circulated 12 months ago.  He would like everyone who completed the survey last year to now do so again.  Ian is also interested in hearing from those who are completing it for the first time.  Submissions are, as always, anonymous and you can complete the survey by simply clicking on the following link : https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MW3WVPG
Ian is also keen to conduct some follow up sessions/interviews so if you are interested, please contact him  directly via  email.   
His contact details are below:
Ian St John
Web Services Manager
 Room 109   |   University College Plymouth St Mark & St John
(: +44 (0) 1752 636780   |   *: istjohn@marjon.ac.uk   |   8www.marjon.ac.uk